Corinth, Mississippi

1. Don Worth, UCLA
2. Matt Hering, TN
3. D. Boyer, OK
4. Tom Johnston, IL
5. Steven Hippensteel, AL
6. Webmaster

More Corinth sites related to the Battle of Shiloh
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For use of the following photos contact

1. Corinth, Mississippi...History is Only Half Our Story!
2. Corinth Mississippi in Civil War
3. Shiloh National Military Park - Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center (National Park Service)
4. Siege of Corinth, Mississippi (National Park Service)
5. Mississippi Civil War Battle Corinth American Civil War

More Links
Corinth, July 18, 2009
Tom Johnston, IL
  Corinth Contraband Camp
Steven Hippensteel, AL



(10-2000) "Crossroads of the Confederacy" Junction of the Memphis & Charleston and the Mobile & Ohio Railroads. The view is to the southeast. Corinth Civil War Self-Guided Tour Guide: These two railroads gave Corinth its strategic importance during the Civil War. Here, the Confederacy's only east-west link, the Memphis and Charleston, crossed the Mobile and Ohio. These were the two longest railroads in the Western Confederacy. The Tishomingo Hotel faced the Memphis and Charleston and was situated on the railroad grounds just east of the station. The Corinth House, located on the corner east of the  parking lot, was the Confederate U.S.O. before Shiloh. After Shiloh, both hotels were used as hospitals. During Federal occupation, the Tishomingo was operated as a hotel

Courtesy of Don Worth (Webmaster) 48th OVVI

(3-93) Northeast Mississippi Museum, Corinth. Scale model of the Tishomingo Hotel and the Crossroads
Battle Map (Corinth CW Self-Guided Tour Guide: 69K)

Plan of the Battle of Corinth (O.R. Atlas: 282K)


(3-93) Northeast Mississippi Museum, Corinth. Union mortar shell found in 1992 by a Corinth maintenance crew

(3-93) Northeast Mississippi Museum, Corinth. Artifacts recovered from the Corinth area


(3-93) Site of Grant's Headquarters Corinth Civil War Self-Guided Tour Guide: Corinth's City Hall (background) was erected on the site of the Mitchell home which served as headquarters for CSA General Frank Cheatham and USA Generals, Grant, Buell and Sherman. Later, in the summer of 1862, Grant moved to Whitfield plantation south of town. The rock wall borders the Curlee House, headquarters of CSA Generals Braxton Bragg and Earl Van Dorn and USA General Henry W. Halleck
See Sites Related to the Battle of Shiloh for photo of the Curlee House


(3-93) C.S.A. Rifle Pit. Corinth Civil War Self-Guided Tour Guide: This is one of 5 constructed approximately a mile from the railroad intersection in 1862 as an inner line of defense during the siege of Corinth. The Federal army is believed to have used it as a cannon emplacement during the Battle of Corinth

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