Savannah, Georgia Page5
Photos/text this page courtesy of Richard Edling, PA

(2006) Madison Square
The square is named for James Madison, fourth president of the United States. In the centre of the square is a statue memorializing Sgt. William Jasper, a soldier in the Revolutionary War who, though mortally wounded, heroically recovered his company's banner. The square is located on Bull Street


(2006) Enlarge Green-Meldrim Mansion: Sherman's Headquarters


(2006) Front of Sherman's Headquarters
March 2006 photo courtesy of Lee G. Hohenstein, Omaha, NE
Green Meldrim mansion: Built for a wealthy cotton tycoon and now used as a church rectory, this glamorous Gothic-style home on Madison Square served as the lodging of choice for General William Tecumseh Sherman during his somewhat unwelcome stay in Savannah. From a desk in an upstairs bedroom, Sherman dictated a telegram to Abraham Lincoln, offering the city as an extravagant 1864 Christmas present.

  (2006) Another view of the front

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