Savannah, Georgia Page12
Photos/text this page courtesy of Richard Edling, Philadelphia, PA and Mike Stroud, Bluffton, SC

(2006) Savannah River, looking East
Richard Edling photo


(2006) River Boats along the Savannah River
Richard Edling photo


(2006) Fort Wayne
Known as "The Fort" during the American Revolution when the British captured Savannah. In 1784, it was renamed Fort Wayne for "Mad"Anthony Wayne, and was improved for the War of 1812
Richard Edling photo


(2009) Enlarge Christmas in Savannah 1864

Enlarged Views: Hit back button to return
Mike Stroud photo


(2009) Enlarge Looking up the Savannah River from the Christmas in Savannah marker
Mike Stroud photo


(2009) Enlarge Confederate Savannah
Mike Stroud photo


(2009) Enlarge Looking up the river from the Confederate Savannah marker
Mike Stroud photo


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