Savannah, Georgia Civil War Sites

1. Richard Edling, Philadelphia, PA (2006)
2. Mike Stroud, Bluffton, SC (2008, 2009)
3. Lee Hohenstein, NE (2006)
1. Georgia's Historic Civil War Heritage and Sites
2. Discover Historic Savannah Georgia
3. Sherpa Guides | Georgia | Civil War | Savannah
4. Civil War Traveler: Georgia: Savannah
5. The Official Savannah Georgia Guide
  Laurel Grove
  Fort Pulaski   Fort Jackson   Tour Map
Andrew Low House
Bonaventure Cemetery
Casimir Pulaski Monument
Charlton Street
Christmas in Savannah 1864 Marker
Col. Francis S. Bartow Monument
Comer House
Confederate Monument
Confederate Savannah Marker
Factors Walk
Forsyth Park  2
Fort Jackson
Fort Pulaski
Fort Wayne
Gen. Lafayette McLaws Monument
Georgia Historical Society
Georgia Queen
Green-Meldrim Mansion
Greene Square
Hodgson Hall
Joseph E. Johnston Home
Juliette Low Birthplace
Lafayette Square
Laurel Grove Cemetery
Madison Square
Monterey Square
Old Sorrell-Weed House
River Street (Factors Walk)
St. John's Episcopal Church
Savannah River  2
Second African Baptist Church
Sherman's Headquarters

Savannah is one of America's great cities and is rich with history from the colonial days to the present. During the Civil War, it was one of the most important cities for the Confederacy, and the goal of Gen. W.T. Sherman's army as he marched to the sea to resupply his men in late 1864. Today it boasts more than 1,200 historic structures, 20 beautiful squares, and much, much more. You can begin your tour by going to the Savannah Visitors Center. Several days are needed to see all the area has to offer. There are some general Civil War sites not to be missed. Factors Walk, located along the river bluff on Bay St., was a 19th century meeting place and center of commerce for cotton merchants. It looks much like it did when Sherman's men occupied the town. The Andrew Low House, 329 Abercorn St., was built in 1848 by a wealthy cotton merchant whose son married Juliette Magill Gordon, founder of the Girl Scouts. The home hosted Robert E. Lee, Union generals, and many other famous people. For tour information, call 912-233-6854. The Juliette Gordon Low birthplace home, 142 Bull St. is also available to tour. Low, as a young girl, is said to have told U.S. Gen. O.O. Howard, who was missing an arm, "I shouldn't wonder if my papa did it! He's shot lots of Yankees!" Sherman visited many times. 912-233-4501. The Olde Pink House, 23 Abercorn St., 912-232-4286, was built in 1771 and used as a headquarters for Union General York. Today it is a restaurant and tavern. The Sorrel-Weed House, 1840, at Harris St. in Madison Square, was the home of G. Moxley Sorrel, who won fame as one of Lee's lieutenants. Sorrel became brigadier general at age 26 and was called the "best staff officer in the Confederate Service." At Bull and Taylor Streets in Monterey Square is the Comer House, where Jefferson Davis was a guest in 1886 for the celebration of the centennial of the Chatham Artillery, during which many parties and celebrations were held. Union Army headquarters for Howard were at Bull St. at Gaston St., named the Jackson House for Henry Jackson, a brigadier general for the Confederacy.
After the war, Gen. Joe Johnston worked and lived in Savannah at 105 E. Oglethorpe Ave., and was visited by many luminaries of the Civil War, including Robert E. Lee, shortly before Lee's death. A marker on the home commemorates this fact. Forsyth Park (Bull St. between Gaston St. and Park Ave.), a 20-acre park laid out in 1851, was a campground for Union soldiers during the occupation of Savannah. A huge Civil War memorial, one of the largest in the South and the most expensive in the state, is located in the park, honoring Chatham's war dead. With thousands of citizens present, the monument was unveiled in 1875, with a statue called "Judgment" on the top and a statue called "Silence" in a cupola. The reaction to the memorial was negative, so a philanthropist stepped forward and the memorial was "fixed" and unveiled a second time in 1879, at a total cost of $35,000. A soldier was on top, the cupola was bricked up, "Silence" was sent to Laurel Grove Cemetery in Savannah, and "Judgment" was sent to Thomasville.
Historic Meeting Meeting between General Sherman and 20 Black Ministers in Savannah
On the evening of January 12, 1865, one of the most remarkable gatherings of the Civil War took place in Savannah. Twenty black ministers and lay leaders joined Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton and General William T. Sherman at the generals headquarters in the mansion of Charles Green (The Green-Meldrim House) on January 12, 1865. They had been summoned to consider the future of the thousands of slaves freed by the devastating march of Shermans army. The Reverend Garrison Frazier, 67, was chosen to represent the views of Savannahs black leadership.
The Reverend Ulysses L. Houston and the Reverend William J. Campbell were among the twenty ministers who met with Secretary of War Stanton and General Sherman.

Garrison Frazier being chosen by the persons present to express their common sentiments upon the matters of inquiry, makes answers to inquiries as follows:
First: State what your understanding is in regard to the acts of Congress and President Lincolns [Emancipation] proclamation, touching the condition of the colored people in the Rebel States.
Answer: So far as I understand President Lincolns proclamation to the Rebellious States, it is, that if they would lay down their arms and submit to the laws of the United States before the first of January, 1863, all should be well; but if they did not, then all the slaves in the Rebel States should be free henceforth and forever. That is what I understood.
Second: State what you understand by Slavery and the freedom that was to be given by the Presidents proclamation.
Answer: Slavery is, receiving by irresistible power the work of another man, and not by his consent. The freedom, as I understand it, promised by the proclamation, is taking us from under the yoke of bondage, and placing us where we could reap the fruit of our own labor, take care of ourselves and assist the Government in maintaining our freedom.
Fourth: State in what manner you would rather livewhether scattered among the whites or in colonies by yourselves.
Answer: I would prefer to live by ourselves, for there is a prejudice against us in the South that will take years to get over . . .
Excerpted from Free at Last, A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and The Civil War


(2006) Georgia Queen replica steamboat on the Savannah River
Photo by Richard Edling


(2006) Forsyth Park
The Park forms the southern border of Bull Street. On its 20 acres are a glorious white fountain dating to 1858, Union Troops camped here after the March to the Sea. There are Confederate and Spanish-American War memorials, and the Fragrant Garden for the Blind, a project of Savannah garden clubs. There are tennis courts and a tree-shaded jogging path. Outdoor plays and concerts often take place here
Photo by Richard Edling


(2006) Forsyth Park
Photo by Richard Edling

  (2006) Forsyth Park
Photo by Richard Edling
(2008) Enlarge Forsyth Park
Gen Lafayette McLaws
Photo by Mike Stroud
    (2008) Enlarge Forsyth Park
Confederate Monument
Photo by Mike Stroud
    (2008) Enlarge Forsyth Park
Col. Francis S. Bartow
Photo by Mike Stroud

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