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(March 2009) Enlarge Winter Quarters State Commemorative Area. Southeast of Newellton, LA. on Rt. 608, 3½ miles east of Rt. 605. Site Marker: Winter Quarters Plantation was owned by Haller Nutt during the Civil War. The plantation was used as an overnight stopping point by thousands of Federal troops on their march to Hard Times. The first to arrive was Col. J. Keigwin's force, which spent the night of April 28, 1863 here. Winters Quarters was the only plantation home of the fifteen along Lake St. Joseph left standing after the Union march

(March 2009) Enlarge Winter Quarters



(March 2009) Enlarge Winter Quarters

(March 2009) Enlarge Winter Quarters


(March 1997) Hard Times Landing Area. Levee access road parallel to LA-608, 3½ miles east of Winter Quarters State Commemorative Area. The road at center leads to a ramp near the landing site on Yucatan Lake, an oxbow and wartime channel of the Mississippi River. The road was impassable as a result of high water


(March 2009) Enlarge Hard Times Landing marker

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