Battle of Big Hill, KY Page2
Photos/Text courtesy of William J. Bechmann III, Cincinnati, OH
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(April 2012) Enlarge Battlefield Memorial Highway/US 421 (modern cut in the hill towards the town of Big Hill from the Big Hill Welcome Center)
Enlarged Views: Hit Back Button to return

(April 2012) Enlarge The Commonwealth of Kentucky historical marker (Merritt Jones/Wayside Tavern)



(April 2012) Enlarge The Commonwealth of Kentucky historical marker (Jones Tavern/CSA Cemetery)

(April 2012) Enlarge  Detail Traveling down the Boone Trail (wartime road) from US 421 towards site #2 (Jones Tavern) and site #3 (Confederate Cemetery)


(April 2012) Enlarge The Merritt Jones Tavern's chimneys


(April 2012) Enlarge The Merritt Jones Tavern's fireplace

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