Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia

1. Daryl Hutchinson, MI
2. Lee G. Hohenstein, NE
3. Mike Stroud, SC
4. Bill Bechmann, OH: Photos from Summer 2012
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1. Fort Pulaski National Monument (U.S. National Park Service)
2. Fort Pulaski National Monument - Wikipedia
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4. Timeline results for fort pulaski national monument
5. Fort Pulaski National Monument | National Parks Conservation

Map (2000 Tour Guide)
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(7-00) Enlarge Fort Pulaski National Monument Visitor Center

(7-00) Enlarge Visitor Center

(7-00) Enlarge Visitor Center (7-00) Enlarge Visitor Center
(7-00) Enlarge Visitor Center, Construction Tools  

(7-00) Enlarge Visitor Center, Wartime Photos, Southeast Angle at top center


(7-00) Enlarge Southeast view of the Moat, Demilune (left center) and southwest angle of the fort

Tour Guide: The Moat: This wet ditch that completely surrounds the fort is 7 feet deep and varies in width from 32 to 48 feet. The water is brought through a canal from the Savannah River and controlled by tide gates. A variety of small marine life inhabits the moat


(7-00) Enlarge Northeast view of the Moat, Demilune and the northwest angle

Tour Guide: The Demilune: This huge triangular piece of land, bordered on all sides by the moat, protected the rear or "gorge" wall of the fort. During the Civil War, this area was flat with a surrounding parapet and contained outbuildings and various storage sheds. The large earthen mounds, built after the war, overlay four powder magazines and passageways to several gun emplacements

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