USS Cairo Museum
Vicksburg National Military Park

(601) 636-0583

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(3-2013) Enlarge Detail Reproduction 32-Pdr. Smoothbore mounted on an original USS Cairo Gun Carriage

  (2-2020) Enlarge Side-view

(3-2011) Enlarge USS Cairo Bell
As this 400 pound bronze bell was being recovered a pocket of air which had been trapped beneath the bell when the Cairo sank - bubbled to the surface. The bell was manufactured by G. W. Coffin and Co., Buckeye Bell Foundry, Cincinnati, Ohio.

  (2-2020) Enlarge
(3-2011) Enlarge Dahlgren Boat Howitzer

(2-2020) Enlarge
  (2-2020) Enlarge Dahlgren Boat Howitzer
(3-2011) Enlarge

(3-2011) Enlarge

(3-2011) Enlarge   (3-2011) Enlarge

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