Port Hudson Photo Album
Last Updated July 15, 2013

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150th Anniversary Reenactment
Port Hudson State Commemorative Area

Sites Outside the SCA
National Cemetery
Battle of Plains Store
Maps and Tour Guides
Official Records

Port Hudson Contributors:
1. Steve Robinson, Durant, OK (deceased)
2. Joel Manuel, Baton Rouge, LA
3. Webmaster, Kingston, OK
4. William Bozic, Houston, TX
www.CivilWarAlbum.com Contributors (155)
Webmaster for use of any of the following images

1. Port Hudson State Historic Site
2. Battle Summary: Port Hudson, LA
3. Confederate Soldiers at Port Hudson
4. Cemeteries - Port Hudson National Cemetery
5. Port Hudson, LA Hospital Ledger
6. Port Hudson LA - Louisiana Gazetteer - US Gazetteer
7. The Siege of Port Hudson (Civil War Trust)
8. Map of Port Hudson and vicinity War of the Rebellion Atlas

9. Civil War Traveler: Louisiana: Baton Rouge and Port Hudson
10. The Siege of Port Hudson--"Forty Days and Nights in the Wilderness (National Park Service)

Photos: Not Listed, Use Search Engine    
Alabama-Arkansas Redoubt
Artillery Display
Battle of Plains Store
Bennett's Redoubt
Cattle Pen
Commissary Hill
Confederate Bomb Shelters
Confederate Field Hospital Site
Confederate Monument
Confederate Rifle Pits   2
Devil's Elbow
Flag of Truce
Fort Babcock
Fort Desperate
Foster Creek
Garrison Flag
Gibbons House
Lower Commissary Hill Battery
Main Entrance
Main Entrance (wartime)
McCallum House
Mississippi Redoubt
Mississippi River Bluff
National Cemetery
Old Port Hudson Town Site
Peace Monument
Port Hickey Road   2
Port Hudson National Cemetery
Port Hudson-Plains Road   2
Port Hudson State Commemorative Area
Rat Holes
Sites Outside the SCA
Telegraph Road
Unknown Soldiers
Visitor Center