Battle of Big Hill, KY
August-23, 1862 (Prelude to the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky)

Photos/Text courtesy of William J. Bechmann III, Cincinnati, OH
Webmaster for any use of the following  photos Home

Kentucky's Civil War Heritage Guide & Map (pdf)
Battle of Big Hill Page1   2   3   Next
1. Headquarters of Union Generals, &c. A Skirmish near Big Hill
2. Battle of Big Hill Reenactment | TourSEKY
3. Civil War Action Marker
4. Historic Sites in Bighill, KY
5. Historical Events on 23rd August |

6. Civil War Battles in Kentucky
7. Historic Sites near Bighill, KY -

8. Big Hill Skirmish
9. Today in Kentucky History |
10. Granville C Allen (1826 - 1861) - Find A Grave Memorial
Battlefield Memorial Highway
Bechmann, Bill
Bechmann, Neil
Big Hill
Big Hill Welcome Center
Boone Trail
Confederate Cemetery
Cox-Simpson House
Headstone of Color Sgt. John E. Barnett
Jones Tavern/CSA Cemetery
Marker: Battle of Big Hill
Marker: Big Hill Skirmish
Marker: Civil War Action
Marker: Confederate Cemetery
Marker: Merritt Jones/Wayside Tavern  2
Merritt Jones Tavern  2
Pilot Knob

(April 2012) Enlarge The Commonwealth of Kentucky historical marker (Civil War Action)
Enlarged Views: Hit Back Button to return

(April 2012) Enlarge Top of Big Hill, Kentucky, looking north towards the city of Richmond (northeast of the town of Big Hill is Pilot Knob)



(April 2012) Enlarge The Big Hill Welcome Center, aka : Cox-Simpson House (used as hospital after this battle)

(April 2012) Enlarge Rear of the Big Hill Welcome Center (spot where Union Colonel Leonidas Metcalfe encountered Confederate Colonel John S. Scott)


(April 2012) Enlarge The Battle of Big Hill interpretive sign at the visitor center


(April 2012) Enlarge The Commonwealth of Kentucky historical marker (Big Hill Skirmish)

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