Fort's Macomb and Pike

Fort's Macomb and Pike are on US-90 between New Orleans and the Mississippi state line. Fort Macomb, approximately 10 miles west of Fort Pike, is not accessible to the public.

Fort Pike State Commemorative Area
27100 Chef Menteur Highway
New Orleans, LA 70129
Email: [email protected]

Fort Pike Aerial Photo

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Coastal Fortification on the Gulf of Mexico (more photos of Fort's Macomb and Pike)
2. Fort Pike - Wikipedia
3. Fort Pike: NewOrleansOnLine
4. Fort Macomb - Wikipedia
5. Category:Fort Macomb - Wikimedia Commons

6. The Army - Forts Pike, Macomb, St. John

(3-94) Fort Macomb from east bank of Chef Menteur Pass

Official Records Report of Ordnance Sergeant D. Wilber, U. S. Army, of the seizure of Fort Macomb

Official Records Report of M. Lovell, Major General, CSA, with references to Fort's Macomb and Pike

(3-94) East view of Fort Macomb from US-90. R/R Bridge crossing of Chef Menteur Pass in background


(3-94) US-90 entrance to Fort Pike

(3-94) Fort Pike from the US-90 Rigolets Pass Bridge

Site Marker 5 miles east of the fort: Fort Pike: Historic state monument 5 miles west on US 90, was completed in 1828 to defend Rigolets Pass, approach through Lake Pontchartrain to New Orleans. Named after Brigadier Gen. Zebulon Montgomery Pike

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