Battle of Honey Springs Page2
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(4-01) Enlarge North end of main tour road and turnaround for over sized vehicles. At right is the parking area for Interpretive Trail 1

(4-01) Enlarge Battle of Honey Springs Memorial. This site is on Honey Springs battlefield road, south of the office building. It is now Interpretive Trail 6


(4-01) Enlarge Battle of Honey Springs Memorial. It is now Interpretive Trail 6. The display at left has been replaced with more detailed signs

Battle of Honey Springs, July 17, 1863. Established in the Spring of 1863, as part of the Confederate strategy to take Fort Gibson, some 20 miles north-northeast, the supply depot at Honey Springs served as the base of operations for Brigadier General Douglas H. Cooper. In an attempt to forestall the anticipated attack on Fort Gibson, Major General James G. Blunt began moving 3,000 troops south from the Fort along the Texas Road on July 15th toward Cooper's camp at Honey Springs. The Battle itself took place north of the Depot where Cooper had deployed 5,000 troops on either side of the road. Coming upon the Confederate position, Blunt deployed his artillery and troops, and began a slow advance pushing to within 40 paces of Cooper's line. The turning point of the Battle came when the Federal right wing ceased fire to allow the Second Indian Home Guard, which had become caught between the lines, to move back into position. Mistaking the Federal cease-fire to mean a general withdrawal, the 29th Texas regiment charged the Federal center. Advancing to within 25 paces of the First Kansas Colored Infantry, the Texans were met with several volleys of musket fire which caused them to fall back. The repulse of the Texans signaled a general Confederate retreat and a Federal victory. Despite determined Confederate resistance, Blunt's troops continued the pursuit to a point three miles south of Elk Creek. The advance was discontinued due to the exhaustion of the Federal troops, unfavorable terrain, the arrival of Confederate reinforcements, and the fact that Cooper had not yet deployed his cavalry. Thus ended the largest engagement to be fought in Indian Territory during the Civil War. Blunt reported Federal losses at 17 dead, and 50 wounded; Confederate losses at 150 dead, 400 wounded, and 77 taken prisoner. Cooper reported Confederate losses at 134 killed or wounded and 47 taken prisoner

(4-01) Enlarge 1st Regiment, Kansas Colored Volunteers

(4-01) Enlarge The Texas Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy. The Texas Confederates who fought on this hallowed ground in the Battle of Honey Springs. The Gettysburg of the west, July 17, 1863

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