Confederate Retreat from Shiloh

Withdrawal from Shiloh historical marker. State Highway 22 just south of historic Monterey (now called Michie). The marker describes the final action of the Shiloh Campaign at Fallen Timbers. The actual location is closer to Shiloh National Military Park. Click here to see a panorama of the Fallen Timbers site courtesy of Don Worth, Webmaster of the 48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry.

Fallen Timbers Panorama

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(3-93) Withdrawal From Shiloh, April 8, 1862. The rear guard of the Army of the Mississippi, under Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge, withdrew to Corinth. In this vicinity, about 300 sabres of its cavalry under Col. Nathan B. Forrest, effectively stopped two infantry brigades and the 4th Illinois Cavalry, Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman commanding. Col. Forrest was wounded in the engagement

  (7-07) Falling Timbers area
Photo courtesy of Jacob Scott, MO

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