Monument Detail Sedgwick Monument
Major General John Sedgwick was the commanding officer of the 6th Corps of
the Army of the Potomac, he had also commanded the 2nd Corps, and the 9th
Corps. He was born and raised not more than 1/4 mile from this site in
Cornwall Hallow, CT. He went on to West Point and fought in the Mexican
Sedgwick was not without battle scars, during the Seven Days Battle,
(White Oak Swamp) he was wounded in the arm and leg. At Antietam, during
an assault on Stonewall Jackson in the West Woods, he was shot in the
hand, wrist, and shoulder. His demise would come at the hand of a
confederate sharpshooter at the Wilderness (Spotsylvania) on May 9th 1964.
The late Shelby Foote (you will be missed) wrote in his book, The Civil
War, A Narrative: Red River to Appomattox that the General was quoted as
saying "What? Men dodging this way for single bullets? What will you do
when they open fire along the whole line? I am ashamed of you. They
couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." a few minutes later a bullet
would catch him just under his left eye. He was the highest ranking
officer killed in the Civil War. He was replaced with fellow Nutmegger
Horatio Wright from Clinton CT. A month later Wright would lead his Corps
in battle at Cold Harbor. It was at Cold Harbor were the 2nd Connecticut
Volunteer Heavy Artillery regiment would get their baptism by fire under
General Wright. Many of the 2nd CVHA were also from Cornwall and
surrounding towns. I would imagine some even knew "Uncle John"....small
The monument is right across (Cornwall Hallow Road) from the cemetery
where he is buried.
For more monument info, go to
The Connecticut Historical Society Website |
Enlarge Sedgwick Gravesite |