This picture and text below was copied from the book "Pilot Knob/ The Thermopylae of the West" by Cyrus L. Peterson and Joseph Mills Hanson"

View of the Armored Plan of Fort Davidson at Pilot Knob, Mo. as surveyed and Drawn by Sergt. Henry C Wilkinson, one of the participants at the battle of Pilot Knob, Mo. Sept. 24 1864, 10:35 A.M. to 2 P.M., as photoed by J. Siler of 1006 S. 7th St., St. Louis Mo., by permission of Sergt. Wilkinson, the original design surveyor of Wayne Co. Mo. This is conceded to be the finest designed and reproduced plan of the fort ever presented to the public. It is of great value to the survivors of this battle, which was never officially reported by its commanding officer, Genl. Thos. Ewing, Jr. The peculiar pressing circumstances attending the battle: the shrewed evacuation of the fort.- the saving a ton of ammunition by private W. H. Moore, Co. H, 3rd Regiment M.S.M., at 1:20 A.M. of September 28, he rejoining Capt. H. B. Milks and the 20 men, helped to save that powder - the retreat so well covered by Captain Wm. J. Campbell to Leasburg thence to Rolla, Mo. 120 Miles, were certainly exciting events - no report of the battle was made. The 13 cannon mounted in the fort during the battle are shown in the correct positions, etc. 1914

1. Crest of Parapet

2. Moat or Ditch 10 feet deep

3. Steps of firing platform

4. Gateway and Drawbridge

5. Sally port or covered way

6. Magazine like a huge dirt cellar

7. Entrance to magazine and where Pvt. W. H. Moore came out as the last man from laying the magazine fuse.

8. Ports and windlasses to draw up the bridge

9. Portion of North rifle pit 196 yards long

10. South rifle pit extending to Stout's Creek 156 yards

11. See printed explanation

12. 32 pounder siege guns

12a. Dismounted in action

12b. Gun that opened the battle at 9 to 9:15 A.M., Sept, 27th, 1864. Also, this gun, at the second shot aimed (by Sergeant Jno. Finler??) Dislodged the rebel battery on Sheppard's Mtn. Crest at about 3:45 P.M., September 28, 1863 at 800 yards.

13. 24 pounder howitzers

13a. Howitzer that riddled the "Knob Store" at 10 A.M. (See holes in warehouse)

14. 3 inch or 12 pounder rifled steel field guns. Battery H or I, Mo. Light Artillery

15. Cohorn Mortars (line??) of 24 howitzers [fire power?cb]

16. Rebels driven back with hand grenades by Capt. Wm. J. Campbell comd'g 14th Iowa Infantry.

17. Rebel lines closing in but driven back with dreadful loss.

18. A filed gun that failed to get into the fort time of the assault Brought in by Damon J. Taylor of Co. G of the Mo. Infty Vols. And other volunteers (Correction Sergt. H.C. Wilkinson & others covered the gun from the gate way which had fallen back but did not participate in the bringing in of the gun. He saw the sallying party come in with this gun, but had been called back to south parapet at the time. H.C.W.

18a. Of gun at #18. It was unlimbered where it stood until the enemy was driven back. The gun team became unruly and the gun was unlimbered in order to save it. D.J. Taylor states the the outer end of the draw bridge had not sunk back to its level, and the first attempt to bring the gun in failed. Then they backed her off and placed incline boards so as to bring the wheels onto the draw bridge and into the fort. He says, Murphy said: "Now boys run her up, and give'em H--l with her! Which they did." D.J. Taylor belonged to Co. G., 47th Mo. Infty Vols. but was assigned to the artillery during the battle and retreat to Leasburg.

19. At # 19 there stood three guns not in use in the battle. They were very small light pieces 1 3/4 to 2 inch caliber.

[Transcribed from the map legend]

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